Skill Building for Simple Electrolysis Equipment for Rainwater Treatment in Gemulak, Sayung, Demak, Indonesia


  • Harianingsih Harianingsih Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Unversitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Author
  • Sri Handayani Department of Building Engineering Education, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Author
  • Maharani Kusumaningrum Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Unversitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Author
  • Vera Noviana Sulistyawan Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Author
  • Savira Rinda Erliana Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Unversitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Author
  • Isnina Noor Ubay Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Unversitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Author
  • Indra Sakti Pangestu Chemical Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Unversitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia Author


rainwater, drinking water, electrolysis, gemulak


Water is essential to human life because it is the main foundation for survival. The service aims to collaborate with Gemulak Sayung Village, Demak Regency, and Jawa Tengah coastal communities to obtain a decent drinking water supply from rainwater treatment using electrolysis science and technology. The stages of service implementation were carried out through observation, training in making simple electrolysis equipment, monitoring, and evaluation. On observation, the problem was obtained: water availability is still minimal for consumption. Implement training in making electrolysis equipment that can be applied in their homes. Monitoring and evaluation are carried out to ensure the sustainability of the service implementation. The service results showed that participants learned about the benefits of rainwater and simple processing technology using electrolysis to produce electrolyzed water in alkaline and acidic water. 95% of participants wanted the service process to be continued because it benefited the Gemulak Village, Sayung, and Demak communities.


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