Strategi Hubungan Masyarakat dalam Meningkatkan Citra SMK Hidayah Kota Semarang


  • Nadia Anggraeni Nadia Anggraeni Universitas Negeri Semarang Author
  • Hengky Pramusinto Universitas Negeri Semarang Author



Strategy Public Relations, Efforts, Positive Image


This study aims to investigate public relations strategies, obstacles faced, and steps 
taken by public relations to improve the image of prospective students SMK 
Hidayah Semarang City. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive 
analysis, data collection techniques for this research use observation, interviews and 
documentation methods. The research results show that the Public Relations 
strategy at SMK Hidayah Semarang consists of publications, events, news, 
community involvement, inform or image, lobbying, and negotiations, social 
responsibility; Obstacles that occur in carrying out the public relations strategy of 
SMK Hidayah Semarang, namely the lack of human resources to assist the 
performance of public relations in schools, and the existence of zoning system 
regulations; Efforts made by Public Relations to overcome obstacles are by 
involving all school staff to help with Public Relations activities, either 
collaborating with other Head of Student Affairs, or requiring teachers to create 
WhatsApp stories as a form of promotion, and put up banners, distribute 
brochures, and publicize via the SMK website guidance. This research provides 
information as a form of evaluation for public relations in schools regarding public 
relations marketing management


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