Carrying Capacity of Protection Function of Tuntang Watershed


  • Zahra Rafidah Universitas Negeri Semarang Author
  • Shabrina Maulida Arifin Universitas Negeri Semarang Author
  • Fathiyyah Zahrany Universitas Negeri Semarang Author
  • Gilang Syahbananto Universitas Negeri Semarang Author


Supportability, Protection Function, Tuntang Watershed, Land Cover Mapping


Watershed is the unity of space or ecosystem contained within it components of abiotic (soil, water, air), biotic (human vegetation, animals, living organisms), and human activities that interrelate and interact with one another.  Tuntang Watershed is one of the nation's priority watersheds, according to data issued by KLHK (Ministry of Environment and Forestry), in 108 priority watersheds, which have enormous water availability. The increasing population has environmental (ecological) and spatial consequences. The spatial result is the growing demand for space for human activities. Paying attention to the environment's carrying capacity is the key to realizing a comfortable and sustainable living space that supports the resident’s activities in meeting their living needs without causing damage. Seeing the relationship between the provision of space and the carrying capacity of the protection function of an area and the entry of the Tuntang watershed into the KLHK’s priority, this study will examine the carrying capacity function of the protection function of the Tuntang watershed. The method used in this study is data interpretation and analysis of CCPF (Carrying Capacity of Protective Function) values. The researchers displayed the results as a table of DDL values ​​for each Tuntang watershed sub-watershed, land use changes in the sub-watersheds, and the significant CCPF values. The change in value increased in the Rawapening Sub-watershed, which was 0,51 to 0,63. There was no change in the CCPF (Carrying Capacity of Protective Function) value of the Blorong and Tuntang sub-watersheds. Meanwhile, the Bancak, Senjoyo, Temuireng, and Tuk Bening Sub-watersheds experienced a decrease in CCPF (Carrying Capacity of Protective Function) values.


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