Effect of Educational Intervention using Video Role-playing on Nursing Students Perceived Civility-Incivility
Civility; Educational; Intervention; Role-playingAbstract
Background: This study aimed to examine the effect of educational interven
tion using video role-playing on the knowledge of civility among second-year
nursing students at a private faculty of nursing.
Methods: This study employed a quasi-experimental design using pre-post ap
proach. A total of 148 nursing students completed the intervention. The educa
tional intervention consisted of 60 minutes-online learning, including watch
ing video role-plays and discussions. This study applied a paired t-test for data
Results: There was a significant effect before and after the educational interven
tion. Before the intervention, few respondents reported their perceived civility
were under uncivil and mildly civil categories. After the intervention, all re
spondents perceived their civility were moderate to highly civility.
Conclusions: Video-based educational intervention significantly affects stu
dents' perceived civility