Asset Restitution Reform to Ensure Legal Protection and Fairness for Investors




Binomo, Return of Assets, Criminal Law


Emerging concerns in the legal domain are a direct result of the digital age's advancements in the economic sphere. Binary options' rise to prominence is a topic worthy of discussion, particularly with regard to the breadth of asset returns in such instances. Binary option victims are questioning the fairness of the state's claim to assets in light of the recent court ruling in the Indra Kenz and Doni Salmanan case. This research aims to help victims of binary options get their money back through restitution by analyzing the problem and offering remedies. The victims of binary option crimes will have their rights protected; that much is certain. Solutions to the problem of investor asset return can be found by using normative methodologies in the examination of statutes, case studies, and concepts. This study finds that victims of illegal activities can regain their possessions through restitution, which also provides a sense of justice and guarantees legal protection for their rights. People can suffer materially, emotionally, and psychologically as a result of committing a criminal offense. Based on the priorities of legal protection and justice, this research is anticipated to provide a solution for law enforcement in the return of assets for binary option criminal offenses.

Author Biographies

  • Deni Setiyawan, Faculty of Science and Humanities, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gombong

    Deni Setiyawan is lecturer at Gombong Muhammadiyah University Faculty of Science and Humanities. He earned his Bachelor of Sharia and Law from Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya, in 2017 and his Master of Laws from Dr. Soetomo Surabaya in 2020. He is also a Doctor of Law student at Sultan Agung Islamic University, Semarang. Starting doctorate studies in 2023. Started as a permanent instructor at IAI Abdullah Sahid Batam in 2021, then went to Muhammadiyah University Gombong's Faculty of Science and Humanities, Law Study Programme, specialising in Criminal and Islamic Criminal Law in 2022. Until now, he has been Head of the Undergraduate Law Study Programme at Muhammadiyah University Gombong. Contemporary Business Law and Health Law publications have been published. Research: Indonesian Law Enforcement Morality, Environmental Enforcement and Justice: Green Restorative Justice Effectiveness of Electronic Evidence as an Expansion of the Criminal Procedure Code Evidence System, Position of the Judge's Decidendi Ratio in Fulfilling Child Sexual Crime Victims' Restitution Rights, Legal Analysis Against Pandemic Corruptors' Death Penalty, Property business fraud accountability via pre-project consumer marketing Assessing Binary Option Contracts' Criminal Gambling Validity, Covid-19 Vaccine Regulations Based on Law Analysis for Social Engineering in Indonesia.

  • Muhammad Nurcholis Alhadi, Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur

    Muhammad Nurcholis Alhadi is Lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University, East Kalimantan. Muhammad Nurcholis Alhadi was born in Muara Ancalong, 31 December 1991, completed his Bachelor of Laws in 2014 at Gadjah Mada University, Master of Law in Litigation in 2016 at Gadjah Mada University. Subsequently, he earned a Doctorate degree in the Doctoral Program in Legal Sciences, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta in 2023. His career as a permanent lecturer began in 2017 at the Faculty of Law, Muhammadiyah University of East Kalimantan, in the area of expertise in Litigation Law. In his career as a lecturer, he was appointed as Head of the Undergraduate Law Study Program, Deputy Dean 1 of the Faculty of Law, and Head of the Master of Law Study Program. Several researches and dedications have been carried out which have resulted in publications in both national and international journals, including: Analysis of Decisions Related to Child Custody Due to Parental Divorce, Cases of Unlawful Actions in Sharia Economic Disputes, Exploring The Prophetic Values Contained in the Advocate Profession, Islamic Worldview As A Base For Alternative Epistemology Law Studies In Indonesia

  • Chami Yassine, College of Law, Dhofar University

    Chami Yassine, is a professor of civil procedure law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Dhofar, Oman, and director of the Research Laboratory for the development of economic legislation. As the editorial secretary of the German Journal of European Middle Eastern Studies, Chami has made significant contributions to the research and discussion of legal issues on a global level. His expertise includes legal fundamentals, civil law, legal theory, legislation, legal analysis, arbitration, and mediation. With a command of Arabic and English, he has an active presence at ResearchGate with 64 research items, demonstrating a strong commitment to the dissemination of knowledge and the development of law.


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Article ID




How to Cite

“Asset Restitution Reform to Ensure Legal Protection and Fairness for Investors”. 2024. Journal of Law and Legal Reform 5 (2): 531-54.