Arabic Syntax, Al-Anbiya', Al-Quran, IḌĀFAHAbstract
Iḍāfah is part of the study of nahwu, which is very complex. It has two parts, muḍāf and muḍāf ilayh and between the two parts there is an implied charf jar. Iḍāfah is divided into two, iḍāfah ma'nawiyyah and iḍāfah lafzhīyah. The function of iḍāfah ma'nawiyyah is to define the mudaf (lit ta'rīf) or to make the mudaf more specific (takhshīs) . Meanwhile, iḍāfah lafzhīyah functions as takhfīf. The purpose is find out the types of iḍāfah, their benefits, i'rab and syntactic functions of the muḍāf in Surah al-Anbiyā'. This research is qualitative research with a library research design. The data in this research are iḍāfah in Surah al-Anbiyā'. The instruments used in this research were data cards and recapitulation sheets. The data collection technique in this research is documentation. The data analysis technique uses distributional methods. The results of this research show that the verses in Surah al-Anbiyā' containing iḍāfah are found in 82 verses with a total of 128 iḍāfah data. There are 63 iḍāfah lāmiyyah data, all of which provide ta'rīf benefits to the muḍāf, 22 iḍāfah bayāniyyah data or which contain the meaning of min, 11 of them provide ta'rīf benefits to the muḍāf and 9 other data provide takhshīsh benefits to the muḍāf, and 4 idāfah ẓarfiyyah which has benefits of ta'rīf to muḍāf. Researcher also found 1 iḍāfah lafzhīyah data which functions as takhfīf. As for al-asmā' al-mulāzimah lil muḍāf, there are 42 data consisting of 33 data in the form of al-asmā' allati talzamu al-iḍāfah ilā al-mufrad and 9 data in the form of al-asmā' allati talzamu al-iḍāfah ilā al-sum. Based on the case of muḍāf nouns, there are 23 muḍāfs which have the nominative case (raf'), 60 muḍāfs which have the accusative case (nashb), 46 muḍāfs which have the genitive case (jarr). Based on their syntactic function, there are 6 muḍāf which have syntactic functions as fā'il, 6 mubtada', 7 khabar, 2 khabar inna, 25 as maf'ūl bih, 19 maf'ūl fīh, 4 munāda, 3 maf'ūl muṭlaq, 4 khabar kāna wa akhawātuhā, 39 as ism majrūr, 3 majrūr with iḍāfah, and 10 at-tawābi'