Corruption Prevention Efforts In The National Strategic Program Through The Strategic Development Security Program


  • Rully Nasrulloh Kejaksaan Negeri Klaten Author
  • Anis Widyawati Universitas Negeri Semarang Author


Attorney, Development, Security, Strategic


Development is an activity carried out by the government in a country with the aim of achieving people’s welfare. In Indonesia, the development carried out during the administration of President Joko Widodo was a development project known as the Natioal Strategy. The research carried out bt this author uses normative research methods, where this normative research method has characteristics of library research. The author is interested in dicsussing the problem of implementing the Strategic Development Security program as an effort to prevent criminal acts of corruption in national or regional strategic projects and regarding the mechanism for implementing the Strategic Development Security program carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office. The research results obtanined are the implementation of this Development Scurity Strategy in the Gudelines of the Attorney General of Republic Indonesia Number 5 of 2023 concerning Development Security Strategy. And related to the mechanism for securing strategic development, it is implemented in accordance with Technical Instrctions Number B-1450/D/Ds/09/2023 concerning Procedures for Implementing Security for Strategic Development.


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