A Asngad(1),

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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat formula pupuk organik limbah dari campuran kotoran ayam dan eceng gondok sebagai pupuk organik dasar dan memproduksi pupuk organik unggul kombinasi pupuk organik dasar dan pupuk hayati spora CMA dalam kemasan granul. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode eksperimen dan analisis laboratorium dilakukan untuk mengetahui kuantitas dan kualitas hara pupuk yang dihasilkan, serta kandungan logam berat. Pupuk secara diskriptif dibandingkan dengan baku mutu pupuk organik menurut SK Mentan 2009. Hasil analisis hara makro dan mikro, serta logam berat pada pupuk organik dasar sudah memenuhi persyaratan baku mutu pupuk organik. Perbanyakan pupuk  hayati CMA diperoleh 35 butir spora CMA/gram. Formula pembuatan campuran pupuk organik dasar: 2 kotoran ayam, 1 eceng gondok. Pupuk tersebut ditambah dengan 1 kg inokulum CMA atau pupuk hayati, 0,5 kg clay merah, 0,5 kg fosfat alam, 0,25 kg clay putih; 500 cc air. Hasil analisis hara makro dan mikro, campuran pupuk organik dasar dan hayati yang telah digranul sesuai dengan standar pupuk organik dari SK Mentan 2009. Disimpulkan bahwa campuran pupuk organik dari bahan dasar (kotoran ayam dan gulma air), yang ditambah dengan pupuk hayati dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif pengganti pupuk anorganik. Pupuk granul lebih efisien dan efektif digunakan untuk berbagai campuran dan di lapang.


The research objective is to make the formula of organic fertilizer from water weed and chicken poop mixture as the basic organic fertilizer and to produce excellent organic fertilizer from the combination of basic organic fertilizer and biologic CMA spore fertilizer in a granule package. The study was conducted with an experimental method and laboratory analysis to determine the quantity and quality of fertilizer nutrients and heavy metal content that was descriptively compared to the standard organic fertilizer by SK Mentan 2009. The results showed that the quantity and quality of the fertilizer research was appropriate according to the standard quality of organic fertilizer. The propagation of CMA bio fertilizer was obtained from 35 spores /gram. The  mixture formula of organic fertilizer was 1 kg of chicken poop, water weed, 0.5 kg of red clay, 0.5 kg of phosphate; 1 kg of inoculum CMA; 0.25 kg of white clay; 500 cc of water. The result of micro and macro nutrients of the fertilizer mixture was appropriate of SK  2009. It can be concluded that the mixture of organic fertilizer (chicken poop and water weed) and biologic fertilizer can be used as an alternative to replace the  inorganic fertilizer , while the granule fertilizer was determined efficiently and effectively as the mixture compound.



chicken poop; CMA; enceng gondok; organic fertilizer

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