GAMA Arabic (Arabic Listening Games) Based on Intercultural Education for Skills Listening to Arabic

Novita Kusumadewi(1), Aziz Fajar Nurizki(2), Khaulah Nabila Amjad(3), Zukhaira Zukhaira(4), Jamat Jamil(5),



Arabic in Indonesia is one of the foreign languages studied in formal and non-formal education institutions ranging from MI / SD, MTs / SMP, MA / SMA, to college level. When studying the language of a country, not separated to learn the culture. Intercultural education is a process whereby the broader cultural insights of learners, with the help of new information on other cultures and languages / languages and at the same time, raise children's awareness of their own cultural and language specific features (Madya, 2013: 194). Arabic learning can be successful if students have mastered four language skills (Iskandarwassid 2011: 226). These four skills include listening (mahaarah al-istima), speaking (mahaarah al-takallum), reading (mahaarah al-qira'ah), and writing (mahaarah al-Kitaabah). Language learning should be carried out hierarchically from listening skills to writing skills (Tarigan 1993: 34). Although learning Arabic in Indonesia has been going on for centuries, learning skills listening and speaking Arabic still lack sufficient attention and focus. Based on the above problems required a solution in the form of a variety of learning media that can be utilized by teachers and students in learning listening that is GAMA Arabic, a Game Listening Arabic in which not only teach and train related listening skills, but the content of education-based materials intercultural remembering to learn the language will not be apart from learning the language culture.




Keywords: GAMA Arabic, Listening Skills, Learning Media, Intercultural Education.


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