Jainal Arifin (1), - Boenasir(2), - Suratno(3),



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peran guru dalam memotivasi belajar siswa paâ€da mata diklat alat tangan. Populasi penelitian  ini adalah siswa kelas X SMK Pelita Nusantara 2 Semarang dengan jumlah siswa 200 siswa. Sampel diambil dengan metode  simple  random  sampling dari semua kelas X. Banyaknya sampel diambil dengan rumus slovin, dan didapat sampel penelitian  100  siswa.  Ananlisis  dalam  penelitian  ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif persentase. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar mata diklat alat tangan siswa kelas X Jurusan Mekanik Otomotif SMK Pelita Nusantara 2 Semarang dalam kategori sedang dengan rataâ€rata skor 34,80 dengan persentase skor 69,92%. Dari 100 siswa yang menjadi responden dalam penelitian ini, 62,00%  diantaranya memiliki motivasi  belajar  dalam  kategori  sedang,  dan  sisanya  yaitu  5,00%  dalam  kategori tinggi, 31,00% dalam kategori rendah serta 2,00% dalam kategori sangat rendah.

Kata kunci : Peran Guru dan Motivasi Belajar Siswa


The goal of this research  is to discover the extent of teachers’ roles  in motivating the students to study Hand Tools training subject. The population of the research was 200 tenth graders at SMK Pelita Nusantara 2 Semaâ€rang. The sample of it was taken using simple random sampling method from all tenth grade classes. The numbers of sample were taken using slovin formula and there were got 100 students as the sample of research. The result of research showed that the motivation to study Hand Tools training subject of tenth graders of Automotive Mechaniâ€cal Engineering program at SMK Pelita Nusantara 2 Semarang was  in fair category with average score 34,80 with score percentage 69,92%. From 100  students being  respondents  in  this  research,  there were about 62,00%  stuâ€dents having fair motivation to study. There were about 5,00% students having high motivation to study and about 31,00% students having low motivation to study, while the rest of students about 2,00% had very low motivation to study.

Keywords: teachers’ roles and students’ motivation to study

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