Nur Cholifah(1), Priyantini Widiyaningrum(2), Dyah Rini Indriyanti(3),

(1) FMIPA UNNES Gd D6 Lt 1 Jln. Raya Sekaran- Gunungpati- Semarang 50229 Telp./Fax. (024) 8508033
(2) FMIPA UNNES Gd D6 Lt 1 Jln. Raya Sekaran- Gunungpati- Semarang 50229 Telp./Fax. (024) 8508033
(3) FMIPA UNNES Gd D6 Lt 1 Jln. Raya Sekaran- Gunungpati- Semarang 50229 Telp./Fax. (024) 8508033


Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pertumbuhan, viabilitas dan produksi kokon ulat sutera Bombyx mori L yang diberi pakan alami dan pakan buatan berpengawet. Penelitian ini menggunakan ulat sutera Bombyx mori L. ras 301 hasil silangan ras Jepang dengan ras Cina yang diperoleh dari Pusat Produksi Ulat Sutera Temanggung. Variabel yang diukur selama penelitian adalah rata-rata pertambahan bobot badan, viabilitas, jumlah kokon,bobot kokon utuh dan kokon kosong. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian pakan buatan dan pakan alami menghasilkan perbedaan nyata terhadap pertumbuhan bobot badan, viabilitas, jumlah kokon, bobot kokon utuh dan kokon kosong. Pertumbuhan ulat sutera yang diberi pakan buatan berpengawet lebih rendah dibanding pertumbuhan ulat sutera dengan pakan alami, akan tetapi sebaliknya viabilitas dan produksi kokon lebih baik.


The aim of this research was to compare the difference of growth, viability and cocoon production of silkworm (Bombyx mori L) fed by natural food and preserved artificial food. The artificial food were prepared with the addition of preservatives. The research used the silkworms Bombyx mori L variant 301 resulted from the crossbreeding between the Japanese silkworms and the Chinese silkworms obtained from PPUS, Temanggung. The parameters observed were the average body weight gain, the viability and the production of cocoon (the weight of the whole cocoon and the weight of empty cocoon). The data obtained was analyzed using t-test. The result confirmed that the artificial feeding and the natural feeding showed a significant difference in the increase of body weight, the viability and the production of cocoons of Bombyx mori L. It was concluded that the growth of body weight of silkworms fed with artificial feeding was lower than those fed with natural feeding, but higher in the viability and the cocoon production.


Artificial food; Bombyx mori L' Cocoon production Growth Viability

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