Indah Urwatin Wusqo, Stephani Diah Pamelasari, Aji Purwinarko


The purpose of this study is to determine whether a blog can be used as an e UNNES portfolio for prospective science teachers (ePPST: e Portfolio For Prospective Science Teacher) and ePSST benefits to prospective science teachers. This study is quasi-experimental. Collecting data using questionnaires and data analysis was descriptive analysis so that the data obtained is then described based on the data obtained. As research subjects are students of junior high science teacher candidates S1 at Semarang State University who took courses Science Instruction in English, totaling 20 people. The study was conducted during the second semester 2015/2016. Showed that the use of blogs UNNES can be used to ePPST (e Portfolio For Prospective Science Teacher) are useful to train the professional competence of teachers, besides the manufacture ePPST using blogs UNNES have the benefit of developing skills to make learning device, has a literacy ICT, has reflection ability, internalize innovative character and in accordance with the policy of paperless policy / paperless UNNES visionary conservation.


Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah blog UNNES dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai e portofolio untuk calon guru IPA (ePPST :e Portofolio For Prospective Science Teacher) dan manfaat ePSST terhadap calon guru IPA.  Penelitian ini merupakan quasi eksperimen. Pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dan  analisis data dengan cara analisis deskriptif sehingga data yang diperoleh kemudian dideskripsikan berdasarkan data yang diperoleh. Sebagai subyek penelitian adalah mahasiswa S1 calon guru IPA SMP di Universitas Negeri Semarang yang mengambil matakuliah Science Instruction in English, berjumlah 20 orang. Penelitian dilakukan selama semester genap 2015/2016. Didapatkan hasil bahwa Penggunaan blog UNNES bisa digunakan untuk  ePPST  (e Portofolio For Prospective Science Teacher)  yang berguna untuk melatih kompetensi profesional guru, selain itu pembuatan ePPST menggunakan blog UNNES memiliki manfaat mengembangkan keterampilan membuat perangkat pembelajaran, memiliki literasi ICT, memiliki kemampuan refleksi, menanamkan karakter inovatif dan sesuai dengan kebijakan paperless policy /nirkertas UNNES yang bervisi konservasi.



e portfolios using blogs, prospective science teacher, ePPST, paperless

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