Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru dalam Penyusunan RPP melalui Bimbingan Bertahap pada Kegiatan MGMP SMA Kota Palembang

Lismalayani Lismalayani(1),




nelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas pelaksanaan bimbingan bertahap pada kegiatan MGMP dalam upaya meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam menyusun RPP yang baik dan benar, yang bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme sebagai Pengawas Akademik dan bagi guru untuk meningkatkan proses pembelajaran di kelas. Hipotesis tindakan: meningkatkan kompetensi guru guru SMA Negeri Mapel Bahasa Inggris tahun pelajaran 2017/2018 dalam menyusun RPP yang baik dan benar. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan sebanyak dua siklus, masing-masing siklus dua kali pertemuan. Tahapan setiap siklus adalah perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan, dan refleksi. Indikator keberhasilan dalam penelitian ini adalah; 1) hasil observasi Pengawas Akademik maupun observasi guru selama proses bimbingan telah memperoleh skor rata-rata > 4,0, 2) hasil kerja guru dalam penyusunan RPP mencapai > 85% dengan nilai rata-rata > 80,00. Hasil penelitian pada siklus I observasi Pengawas Akademik rata-rata (3,30), observasi guru rata-rata (3,40) dan hasil kerja individual rata-rata nilai (68,95) dengan prosentase ketercapaian (0%). Pada siklus II observasi Kepala Sekolah rata-rata (4,30), observasi guru rata-rata (4,20) dan hasil kerja individual rata-rata nilai (85,43) dengan prosentase ketercapaian (100%). Indikator keberhasilan telah tercapai, penelitian di nyatakan berhasil dan dihentikan pada siklus II. Kesimpulan; pelaksanaan bimbingan bertahap dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru guru Bahasa Inggris SMA Negeri Kota Palembang dalam penyusunan RPP yang baik dan benar. Disarankan agar Pengawas Akademik  lainnya melakukan penelitian sejenis dalam upaya peningkatan kompetensi guru, dan kepada guru mata pelajaran agar mampu menyusun RPP dengan baik dan benar.


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of phased guidance in MGMP activities in an effort to improve teacher competency in preparing good and correct lesson plans, which are useful for improving professionalism as Academic Supervisors and for teachers to improve the learning process in the Classroom Action hypothesis: increasing the competence of teacher teachers in the English Language State Senior High School in the school year 2017/2018 in preparing good and correct lesson plans. This study was conducted in two cycles, each cycle two meetings. The stages of each cycle are planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The indicators of success in this study are; 1) the results of Academic Supervisor observation and teacher observation during the guidance process have obtained an average score of> 4.0, 2) the work of the teacher in the preparation of RPP reaches> 85% with an average score of> 80.00. The results of the study in the first cycle of Academic Supervisor observation were (3.30), teacher observation on average (3.40) and individual work results averaged (68.95) with achievement percentage (0%). In the second cycle of observation the Principal averaged (4.30), the average teacher’s observation (4.20) and the individual work results averaged (85.43) with the achievement percentage (100%). Indicator of success has been achieved, the research was declared successful and stopped in cycle II. Conclusion; the implementation of gradual guidance can improve the competence of English teachers in Palembang City Public High School in the preparation of good and correct lesson plans. It is recommended that other Academic Supervisors conduct similar research in an effort to improve teacher competence, and to subject teachers so that they are able to formulate lesson plans properly and correctly.


gradual guidance; guidance effectiveness; teacher competence; RPP bimbingan bertahap; efektifitas bimbingan; kompetensi guru; RPP

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