Aris Budiyono(1),

(1) Jurusan Teknik Mesin FT Universitas Negeri Semarang


Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) bertugas menyiapkan peserta didik memasuki lapangan pekerjaan dan telah melakukan trobosan antara lain bahwa pendidikan di SMK dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan berbasis kompetensi serta pada akhir pendidikan peserta didik yang memenuhi persyaratan akan memperoleh ijazah dan sertifikat kompetensi keahlian. Pembahasan meliputi: (1) penilaian berbasis kompetensi (Competency-based Assessment /CBA) sebagai komsekuaensi diimplementasikannya Competency-based Learning di SMK dan (2) model uji kompetensi keahlian di SMK. Uji kompetensi keahlian siswa SMK sebagai penilaian hasil belajar dalam sistem pembelajaran kompetensi pada dasarnya merupakan proses penentuan untuk memastikan peserta didik apakah sudah kompeten atau belum kompeten. Terdapat tiga model uji kompetensi keahlian siswa SMK dan  model project work adalah model yang paling banyak diterapkan oleh SMK sebagai model uji kompetensi keahlian siswa.


Vocational Secondary Education is responsible for preparing students to enter the work force. The education has taken an innovative step that the education is conducted with competence-based approach. At the end of the education, the students who satisfy the requirements will be awarded a diploma and competence certificate. The paper discusses: 1) Competence-Based Assessment (CBA) as a consequence of the implementation of  Competence-Based Learning in vocational schools, 2) model of competence test in vocational schools. Competence test for vocational school students as an assessment in competence learning system is basically a process to determine whether a student has been competent or not. There are three model of competence test for vocational school students. The project work is the model that is most widely applied by vocational schools as competence assessment model.


vocational school; competence assessment

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