Dwi Anggara Asianti(1),

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan mengapresiasi dan menganalisis prosa mahasiswa Program Studi di Sastra Unnes. Sumber data adalah 23 mahasiswa Prodi Sastra FBS Unnes. Metode pengumpulan data adalah interview, observasi partisipasi, portofolio. Data selanjutnya diberi kode L (literature circle) dan H (portofolio). Setelah itu dilakukan klasifikasi, tabulasi dan ditulis dalam tabel untuk selanjutnya data diinterpretasi. Temuan dari penelitian ini adalah lebih dari 50% mahasiswa menganggap kelas analisis prosa menarik dan 87% mahasiswa aktif bekerjasama dalam kelompok. Dengan kata lain kelompok-kelompok belajar menyumbang terciptanya motivasi belajar mahasiswa sastra, terbukti mereka menjadi aktif karena suasana kelas yang menarik. Pada kondisi penambah motivasi, hampir 90% mahasiswa  semangat belajar dalam menganalisis prosa. Pada akhir semester 97% mahasiswa mampu mencapai nilai yang berkisar antara 70-100. Pada kondisi pertahankan motivasi, penguasaan beragam isi prosa diakui oleh hampir 80% mahasiswa. 19 dari 23 orang mahasiswa mengaku diskusi merupakan sarana belajar yang efektif untuk analisis prosa.


The aim of this research was to maximazing the analysis skill of literature students of Semarang State University. The sample of the research was one class which consisted of 23 students. The methods of  data collection were interviews, participative observation, and individual paper. The identified data were written specific codes such as L which stands for literature circle and H is for the individual paper. Data were classified, tabulated and written to the table and interpreted. Students were divided into four groups consist of six member with six different roles that they had to discuss in group. Findings are class of prose analysis class was interesting for more than half of students, and 87% were actively involved in group discussion. 90% students were enthusiastic in learning analysis, so 97% students reached 70-100. 80% students could understand various stories. 19 out of 23 students admitted that discussion was the effective way of learning prose analysis subject.


Literature cycles; Teaching of literature; Ability to analyze literature

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