The Correlations Between Students’ Interest and Parental Guidance with Learning Outcome of Social Science

Nuzulia Rahmawati, Isa Ansori


This investigation was aimed at finding out the relations between students’ interests and parents’ guidance with grade V students of SD Gugus Melati of Semarang City’s social science learning outcome. This is correlational study. The targeted population consisted of 145 grade V students of SD GugusMelati of Semarang City, and proportional random sampling, I choose 43 students as samples. The data were collected through questionnaire fulfilling, interviews, and documentation. While I used students’interests questionnaire and parental guidance interview sheet as research instruments. I applied normality test and linearity test as the requirement analysis. And I applied simple linear regression analysis, multiple linear regression analysis, and coefficient of determination. The study shows that:(1) the relations between students’ interestsand social science learning, I got score: rtotal is bigger than rtable(0.682 > 0.301) Ha is acceptable, (2) the relations between parents’ guidance and social science learning outcome, I got score:rtotal is bigger than rtable (0.819 > 0.301) Ha is acceptable, (3 out the relations between students’ interests and parents’ guidancewith students’social science learning outcomeI got score:rtotal is bigger than rtable (0.739 > 0.301), thus Ha is acceptable.


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DOI: 10.15294/est.v2i1.16441


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