Development of Picture Storybooks to Improve Reading Comprehension

Annisa Nurul, Nuraeni Abbas


The deficient student reading interest and the lack of learning media in the school lead to a common understanding of
students' reading on learning materials. This research aims to develop and test the feasibility and effectiveness of picture
book media. This research uses research and development with Sugiyono model. The results showed that the feasibility
of material in picture storybooks was rated feasible (81.81%), while media eligibility in picture storybooks was rated
highly feasible (91.67%). Based on the average difference through the t-test showed that sig (2-tailed) 0.000 < 0.05, it
was concluded that the average value between pretest and posttest had significant changes and an average increase through
the calculation of n-gain of 0.621 with a moderate category.
Keywords: picture storybooks; reading ability; reading comprehension


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DOI: 10.15294/est.v5i2.33832


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