Improving the Quality of Bio-Oil Produced from Rice Husk Pyrolysis by Extraction of its Phenolic Compounds

Dewi Selvia Fardhyanti, Achmad Chafidz, Bayu Triwibowo, Haniif Prasetiawan, Novia Noor Cahyani, Sinta Andriyani


Rice husk is an agricultural waste which contains 50% cellulose, 25%-30% lignin and 15%-20% silica. It can be used as raw material of bio-oil. Bio-oil is liquid which produced by pyrolysis process. Bio-oil can be produced from the rice husk at 773 and 873 K. The main component of Bio-oil from rice husk pyrolysis at 773 and 873 K is phenolic compounds about 47.98% and 62.65%, respectively. It causes corrosive, low heating value, high acidity, high viscosity and unstable that causing an engine damage. The presence of phenolic compound decreases the quality of bio-oil. Therefore, it needs a process such as liquid-liquid extraction to reduce the phenolic compound using 80% methanol and 80% chloroform as a solvent. The extract and raffinate phase were analyzed using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The aim of this research determine the effect of temperature pyrolysis for the characterization of bio-oil, the stirring speed and the temperature of the extraction for the distribution coefficient and the yield of phenolic compound. The results showed that the characterization of bio-oil produced from rice husk pyrolysis at 773 and 873 K are densities 1,040 and 1,042 Kg/m3; viscosities 9.3488 and 9.5007 cSt; acid numbers 46.75 and 52.45 mg KOH/g; pH 2.5 and 3; flash points 426 and 423 K and heating values 3.229 and 3.339 MJ/kg, respectively. The highest distribution coefficient and yield were obtained at 323 K and a stirring speed of 250 rpm. The distribution coefficient of bio-oil produced by pyrolysis at 773 and 873 K is 1.504, and 1.528, respectively. The yields of bio-oil produced by pyrolysis at 773 and 873 K are 58.885%, and 48.429%, respectively. 



Bio-oil; Extraction; Pyrolysis; Risk husk; Phenolic compounds

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