Analisis Kualitas Produk Sepatu Tomkins
The objective of this research were to determine the quality control processof Tomkins shoes at PT. Primarindo Asia Infrastructure Tbk. Bandung.Quality can be defined is meeting, or exceeding, customer requirements now and in the future. This means the product or service is fit for customer’s use. Controlling product quality using c chart.It select the method which one is better or effective for the company. The research methode type is qualitative. Data collection methods are literature and field studies. Field study covers observation and interview.The sampling technique by purposive random sampling. Sample is used that occurred during production years 2007-2009. Control is carried out by Firm, at the time of production based on product specifications that have been established in the beginning. Proceessing data using c-chart showing the production processed are in boundary control limit. It means clarity the use c-chart of which method more effectively done than used by firm.
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