Profitabilitas Usaha Sentra Keripik Pisang
The aims of this study is to determine the business profitability of centers MSE Banana chips located in Bandar Lampung. Micro is a productive enterprise belonging to individual and /or individual entity that is generally in the form of the informal sector. Furthermore, in this study referred to the Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs). The research was conducted in the form of centers MSE banana chips located in Jalan Desa All mider strapless Pagar Alam, District Municipality of West Tanjung Karang Bandar Lampung. Based on the preliminary observations in mind that most of the businesses in the center of crisps (47%) yield of chips between 12 sd 199 kg per week, 44% yield of chips between 200 sd 414 kg per week, and only 9% or 3 business unit that produces between 415 sd chips 3036 kg per week. Based on the analysis, the researchers suggested that the Government should seek Bandar Lampung to increase fostering the MSE entrepreneurs, especially in the center of banana chips.
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