Model Peningkatan Kinerja Inovatif dalam Konteks Teknologi Informasi
This research aims to establish the model of innovative performance improvemnet toward education result quality refinement and competitive advantage of the nation which is based on professionalism in Information Technology. The samples are taken from 300 teachers of Senior High School State-Owned in Jepara Regency, whic is consist of 125 sertified teahcers and 175 unsertified teahers. The Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is used to analyse the data, with samples estimated model Maximum Likelihood (ML) is 100 – 200 which lead to the number of sampleis 120. The result shows there is no difference between sertified and unsertified theachers toward profesionalism and information technology adaptibility and profesionalism toward innovative performance. This study achieves to increase teacher performance by using adapted information technology context.
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