Studi Deskriptif Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Kinerja Lembaga Program Studi dan Pasca Sarjana UNNES
This study aimed to describe student satisfaction in the service of academic of study program and graduate programs , describing the academic performance of study program and graduate program, describes the factors that support academic performance of study program and graduate program. The population are active graduate students who are in second semester, the total number is 621 people. While the study sample is taken by simple random sampling, total sample is 102 people. Results show that student satisfaction for academic services in both study programs and graduate programs are in good category. Description of academic performance results of study programs in general are in good category. Based on the description of the six indicators, academic performance of graduate programs is good. Graduate programs academic performance are determined by education infrastructure (tangibles), lecturers and staff reliability (reliability), responsiveness to lecturers and academic staff (responsibility), treatment of lecturers and staff to students (assurance), understanding the benefit of students (empathy), and student satisfaction (satisfaction). Based on the results, Graduate program needs to increase number of lecturers with doctoral qualifications so that services can be improved academic lectures and have impact the overall academic performance
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