Relasi Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan ISO 14001 dan Kinerja Keuangan
(1) Jl. Dipati Ukur No.35, Bandung 40132
(2) Jl. Dipati Ukur No.35, Bandung 40132
This study aims to examine and to analyze the effect of Environmental Management System (EMS) ISO 14001 implementation toward the financial performance of companies which is listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange until 2008. The Elements of environmental management system which has a relationship with each other and influence each other. The implementation and operation has the strongest relationship toward management assessment,while environmental policy and measures inspection has the weakest relationship toward repair. EMS ISO 14001 implementation has positive effects on financial performance that have registered at the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Implementation and operation is one of the elements of EMS ISO 14001 which are very influential in the achievement of financial performance. The research was conducted on the company’s listing who have received ISO 14001 certification on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. Therefore, it needs to be examined against companies which have not received ISO 14001
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