Mencapai Sumber Daya Manusia Unggul (Analisis Kinerja dan Kualitas Pelayanan)
The aim of the study is toanalyze the influence of individual abilities, job satisfaction, organizational commitment to performanceand performance againstservice quality. This samplingmethod is using 76 samples by the proportionalrandom sampling techniques. Variables consisted of individual ability, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and performance andservice qualitydata analysisusingtwo-stageregression. The results showedthat theability of individuals, job satisfaction and organizational commitment had asignificant positive effecton performance and the performance ofa significant positive effecton quality of service. It means the higher performance, the higher service quality also, from the results of descriptive analysis ofthe percentage ofapparentaverage of allvariablesshoweda goodcategory, but incertain aspectsof eachvariablethere is still ashortage. The results ofthis study are expected tobe input forleadershipin improvingthe performanceandquality of care, improvement effortsinitiatefroman increase incapacitythrough educationandtraining, monitoringthe implementation ofroutinework, repairwork andcommitmentto growthe standard operational procedures.
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