M.N. Hayati, K.I. Supardi, S.S. Miswadi


Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan pada pembelajaran IPA SMK dengan model kontekstual berbasis proyek untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar dan KPS siswa. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan valid dengan rata-rata 3,68, dan efektif karena telah mampu memenuhi indikator yang diharapkan, yaitu: terdapat peningkatan KPS dengan skor rata-rata 72,85 dan ketuntasan klasikal 80,6% (29 dari 36 siswa telah tuntas); terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif siswa, yaitu rata-rata meningkat dari 58,33 menjadi 81,39 dan ketuntasan klasikal 92% (33 dari 36 siswa telah tuntas); rata-rata hasil belajar afektif dan psikomotorik siswa juga mencapai indikator keberhasilan yang ditetapkan, yaitu ≥ 70; serta sebanyak 91,18% (31 dari 34 siswa) memberikan respon baik terhadap pembelajaran kontekstual berbasis proyek.


This research is though development of science learning at vocational school using contextual model based on project to improve the learning result and science process skill students. The teaching and learning advise used in teaching “ways in handling waste†topic using contextual model based on project valid with average 3,68, effective because is able to complete the indicator, there is an increase of Science Process Skill with an average score of 72,85 and 80,6% completeness classical or 29 among 36 students have completed. There is an increase students’ cognitive learning outcomes, the average increased from 58,33 to 81,39 and 92 % classical completeness, or 33 among 36 students have completed. The average of affective and psychomotor learning outcomes students’ achieve well defined indicators of success, were ≥ 70. A total of 91,18% or 31 among 34 students responded well to the project based learning.


The Development of Science Learning; Contextual Model Based on Project; Science Process Skill

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