Potential Development of Brayut Cultural Village, Sleman District, Yogyakarta

Adyanti Putri Ariadi(1), Dimas Wihardyanto(2), Muhammad Sani Roychansyah(3),

(1) Gadjah Mada University


Brayut Tourism Village is an agricultural and culture - based tourism village located in Sleman Regency. The
potential of nature and culture is very interesting to be developed further. However, during its development, there are
some emerging issues which damage the environment and the life of Brayut Tourism Village society. The purpose of this
research is to maintain and preserve the potential for sustainable tourism of Brayut Village. This research used a
qualitative descriptive method, including explaining development strategy covering various aspects, which are the
environmental, sociocultural, and economic direction of physical and non-physical development. For the sake of the
continuity of the uniqueness of nature and culture, Brayut Tourism Village that grows in the middle of Sleman Regency
development area requires sustainable tourism management. The important element in the development of village
tourism is the involvement of villagers in every aspect of tourism activities in the village.


cultural village, tourism village, development strategy, sustainable, Brayut

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