Hubungan Panjang Lengan dan Panjang Tungkai dengan Kemampuan Vertical Jump, Spike Jump Reach dan Block Jump Reach Remaja Putra

Nasuka Nasuka(1), Erwin Nizar Priambodo(2),

(1) Jurusan Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
(2) Jurusan Pendidikan Kepelatihan Olahraga, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


Remaja adalah kelompok umur yang  masih mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan sehingga memungkinkan terjadi perubahan sampai masa dewasa. Penelitian bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan antara panjang lengan dan panjang tungkai dengan vertical jump, spike jump reach dan block jump reach pada remaja putra.  Survey dilakukan pada 288 remaja putra  berusia 12-16 tahun. Tiap partisipan diukur panjang lengan dan panjang tungkai kemudian dilakukan test vertical jump, spike jump reach dan block jump reach. Hubungan antara panjang lengan dan panjang tungkai dengan vertical jump, spike jump reach dan block jump reach diuji dengan uji korelasi Pearson.  Hasil menunjukkan bahwa panjang lengan berkorelasi dengan vertical jump ( r = 0,162), spike jump reach (r = 0,392)  dan block jump reach (r = 0,322). Panjang tungkai juga  berkorelasi dengan vertical jump ( r = 0,125), spike jump reach (r = 0,466)  dan block jump reach (r =0,464). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada remaja putra, panjang lengan dan panjang tungkai berpengaruh lemah terhadap vertical jump, dan berpengaruh sedang spike jump reach dan block jump reach.

Adolescent is a period that are still experiencing growth and development to allow changes until adulthood. The aim of this research was to see the relationship between arm length and leg length with vertical jump, spike jump reach and block jump reach in male adolescent. The survey was conducted on 288 young men 12-16 years old. Each participant were measured the length of the arm and the length of the leg and then tested vertical jump, spike jump reach and block jump reach. The relationship between arm length and leg length with vertical jump, spike jump reach and block jump reach were tested by Pearson correlation test. The results showed that arm length correlated with vertical jump (r = 0.162), spike jump reach (r = 0,392) and block jump reach (r = 0,322). Leg length also correlated with vertical jump (r = 0.125), spike jump reach (r = 0,466) and block jump reach (r = 0,464). It can be concluded that in male adolescents, the arm length and leg lengths had weak correlation with the vertical jump, and moderate correlation with the spike jump reach and the block reach reach


anthropometric; vertical jump; spike jump reach; arm length, leg length

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Department of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang
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