Asam Laktat dan Aktivitas SOD Eritrosit pada Fase Pemulihan Setelah Latihan Submaksimal

Mochamad Purnomo(1),

(1) Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Mobile Phone: 08121662736


Tujuan penelitian untuk membandingkan kadar asam laktat dan aktivitas SOD eritrosit pada fase setelah latihan submaksimal. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa rerata asam laktat awal 2,282 ± 0,555 mMol/L, asam laktat 5 menit setelah latihan 7,936  ± 1,125 mMol/L, asam laktat 60 menit setelah latihan 3,109± 0,501 mMol/L, aktivitas SOD eritrosit awal 70,727 % ± 11,889, aktivitas SOD eritrosit 5 menit setelah latihan 4,364 % ± 2,501, aktivitas SOD eritrosit 60 menit setelah latihan 10,000 % ± 2,828. Persentase kadar asam laktat darah 60 menit setelah latihan 85,099 % ± 11,515, persentase aktivitas SOD eritrosit 60 menit setelah latihan 8,177 % ± 5,132. Uji normalitas menunjukkan nilai p > 0,05. Uji ANOVA sama subyek menunjukkan  asam laktat sebelum dengan 5 menit setelah latihan nilai p sebesar 0,000 (p < 0,05) dan aktivitas SOD eritrosit sebelum latihan dengan 5 menit  setelah latihan nilai p sebesar 0,000 (p < 0,05). Asam laktat 5 menit dengan 60 menit setelah latihan nilai p sebesar 0,000 (p < 0,05), aktivitas SOD eritrosit 5 menit dengan 60 menit setelah latihan memiliki nilai p sebesar 0,001 (p < 0,05). Kesimpulan persentase aktivitas SOD eritrosit lebih kecil dari pada persentase kadar asam laktat darah 60 menit setelah latihan olahraga submaksimal.

Kata Kunci: kadar asam laktat darah; aktivitas SOD eritrosit; latihan submaksimal


The aims of study is to compare the levels of lactic acid and erythrocyte SOD activity in the phase after exercise submaximal. The results showed: the early lactic acid levels 2.282 ± 0.555 mMol / L, lactic acid level 5 minutes after exercise 7.936 ± 1.125 mMol / L, lactic acid levels 60 minutes after exercise 3.109 ± 0.501 mMol / L, activity initial erythrocyte SOD 11.889 ± 70.727%, erythrocyte SOD activity 5 minutes after the workout 4.364% ± 2.501, erythrocyte SOD activity 60 minutes after the workout 10.000% ± 2.828. Percentage of blood lactic acid levels 60 minutes after exercise 11.515 ± 85.099%, and the erythrocyte SOD activity 60 minutes after the workout 8.177% ± 5.132. Normality test p value > 0.05. ANOVA of the same subjects obtained by lactic acid levels before the 5 minutes after the workout has a p value of 0.000 (p <0.05) and erythrocyte SOD activity before exercise by 5 minutes after the workout has a p value of 0.000 (p <0.05). Lactic acid levels in 5 minutes with 60 minutes of exercise a p value of 0.000 (p <0.05) and erythrocyte SOD activity 5 minutes to 60 minutes after exercise has a p value of 0.001 (p<0.05). With the test of independent sample T test on the percentage decrease in blood lactic acid levels in erythrocyte SOD activity 60 minutes after exercise obtained p value of 0.000 (p <0.05).  Conclusion that the percentage of erythrocyte SOD activity is less than the percentage of blood lactic acid levels 60 minutes after exercise submaximal.

Keywords: lactic acid; erythrocyte SOD activity; exercise submaximal.

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