Representasi Aktivitas Fisik pada Pasien Covid-19 Selama Karantina

Dhedhy Yuliawan(1),

(1) Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri


Pandemic Covid-19 merupakan bentuk dari sebuah bencana yang mempengaruhi tatanan dunia. Para penderita Covid-19 melakukan karantina, dimana pasien melakukan isolasi agar tidak menyebarkan virus. Proses karantina memberikan permasalahan, karena aktivitasnya dibatasi hanya dilingkungan tempat karantina. Maka variable penelitian ini mengambil aktivitas fisik pada paseien Covid-19. Metode yang digunakan adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan teknik survey. Penelitian dilakukan pada pasien Covid-19 yang melakukan karantina di Kabupaten Bantul. Sampel yang diambil sebanyak 211 orang yang sudah melakukan karantina selama 7 hari. Teknik sampel menggunakan purposive sampling dari populasi. Instrument yang digunakan adalah kuesioner Global Physical Activity Qutionnaire (GPA-Q) dengan validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen sebesar 0,48 dan 0,67-0,73 yang disajikan dalam bentuk google form. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukan Aktivitas fisik pasien Covid-19 selama masa karantina ditemukan sebanyak 6 (3%) memiliki aktivitas fisik tinggi; 183 (87%) memiliki aktivitas fisik sedang; dan 22 (10%) memiliki aktivitas fisik rendah. Frekuensi terbanyak pada aktivitas fisik sedang, maka dapat disimpulkan aktivitas fisik pasien Covid-19 selama masa karantina memiliki aktivitas fisik sedang. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menjadi gambaran bahwa pasien Covid-19 memiliki aktivitas fisik sedang pada masa karantina.

The Covid-19 pandemic is a form of disaster that affects the world order. Covid-19 sufferers are in quarantine, where patients are isolated, so they do not spread the virus. The quarantine process poses problems because its activities are limited only to the quarantine environment. So, this research variable takes physical activity in Covid-19 patients. The method used is quantitative research with survey techniques. The study was conducted on Covid-19 patients who were quarantined in Bantul Regency. The samples taken were 211 people who had quarantined for 7 days. The sampling technique used purposive sampling from the population. The instrument used is the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPA-Q) questionnaire with instrument validity and reliability of 0.48 and 0.67-0.73 which is presented in google form. The results of the study showed that the physical activity of Covid-19 patients during the quarantine period was found to be 6 (3%) having high physical activity; 183 (87%) had moderate physical activity; and 22 (10%) had low physical activity. The highest frequency was in moderate physical activity, so it can be concluded that the physical activity of Covid-19 patients during the quarantine period had moderate physical activity. The conclusion of this study illustrates that Covid-19 patients have moderate physical activity during the quarantine period.


Covid-19; Physical activity; quarantine

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Department of Sport Science, Universitas Negeri Semarang
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