Implementation of Stacking Ensemble Classifier for Multi-class Classification of COVID-19 Vaccines Topics on Twitter

Rama Jayapermana(1), Aradea Aradea(2), Neng Ika Kurniati(3),

(1) Universitas Siliwangi
(2) Universitas Siliwangi
(3) Universitas Siliwangi


Purpose: However, from the variety of uses of these algorithms, in general, accuracy problems are still a concern today, even accuracy problems related to multi-class classification still require further research.

Methods: This study proposes a stacking ensemble classifier method to produce better accuracy by combining Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms as first-level learners and using Logistic Regression as a meta-learner for the multi-class classification of COVID-19 vaccine topics on Twitter.

Result: Based on the evaluation, the proposed Stacking Ensemble Classifier model shows 86% accuracy, 85% precision, 86% recall, and 85% f1-score.

Novelty: The novelty is produce better accuracy by combining Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms as first-level learners and using Logistic Regression as a meta-learner.


COVID-19 Vaccines, Ensemble Method, Multi-class Classification, Sentiment Analysis, Stacking Ensemble Classifier

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Scientific Journal of Informatics (SJI)
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Published By Department of Computer Science Universitas Negeri Semarang
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