Comparison of Dynamic Programming Algorithm and Greedy Algorithm on Integer Knapsack Problem in Freight Transportation

Global Ilham Sampurno(1), Endang Sugiharti(2), Alamsyah Alamsyah(3),

(1) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) Universitas Negeri Semarang
(3) Universitas Negeri Semarang


At this time the delivery of goods to be familiar because the use of delivery of goods services greatly facilitate customers. PT Post Indonesia is one of the delivery of goods. On the delivery of goods, we often encounter the selection of goods which entered first into the transportation and  held from the delivery. At the time of the selection, there are Knapsack problems that require optimal selection of solutions. Knapsack is a place used as a means of storing or inserting an object. The purpose of this research is to know how to get optimal solution result in solving Integer Knapsack problem on freight transportation by using Dynamic Programming Algorithm and Greedy Algorithm at PT Post Indonesia Semarang. This also knowing the results of the implementation of Greedy Algorithm with Dynamic Programming Algorithm on Integer Knapsack problems on the selection of goods transport in PT Post Indonesia Semarang by applying on the mobile application. The results of this research are made from the results obtained by the Dynamic Programming Algorithm with total weight 5022 kg in 7 days. While the calculation result obtained by Greedy Algorithm, that is total weight of delivery equal to 4496 kg in 7 days. It can be concluded that the calculation results obtained by Dynamic Programming Algorithm in 7 days has a total weight of 526 kg is greater when compared with Greedy Algorithm.


Integer Knapsack problem, Greedy Algorithm, Dynamic Programming Algorithm, freight transportation.

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Scientific Journal of Informatics (SJI)
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