Prima Astuti Handayani, Heti Nurcahyanti


Daun zodia merupakan tumbuhan yang berpotensi sebagai insektisida nabati. Daun zodia mengandung senyawa aktif limonene yang bersifat neurotoksin terhadap serangga. Pengambilan minyak atsiri daun zodia dilakuan dengan metode maserasi dan metode distilasi air. Pada metode maserasi bahan digunakan etanol dan dimaserasi selama 3x24 jam. Kemudian didistilasi untuk menguapkan pelarut etanol. Untuk metode distilasi air bahan didistilasi selama 3 jam, campuran minyak dan air dipisahkan dengan menambahkan pelarut n-heksana. Kemudian pelarut n-heksana dipisahkan dari minyak atsiri dengan cara direcovery menggunakan alat sokhlet. Minyak atsiri daun zodia yang dihasilkan dianalisis dengan Gas Cromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) untuk mengetahui kandungan senyawa kimianya. Hasil percobaan diperoleh randemen minyak atsiri daun zodia dengan metode maserasi sebesar 1,0566% dengan kandungan senyawa limonene 2,6%, sedangkan metode distilasi diperoleh randemen sebesar 0,6471% dengan kandungan senyawa limonene 1,26 %.

Zodia leaf is a plant which has a potential to be plant-based insecticide. Zodia leaf has limonene as its active component which is neurotoxin towards insect. The extraction of the essential oil of the zodiac leaf is conducted using maceration method and water distillation method. In the maceration process, the raw material was macerated using ethanol for 72 hours, after that it was distillated to evaporate the ethanol. In the water distillated method, the raw material was distillated for 3 hours, the mixture of water and oil are separated by adding n-hexane solvent. After that, the n-hexane solvent was separated from the essential oil using recovery method using soxhlet. The obtained essential oil of zodia leaf was analyzed using GC-MS to determine its chemical component. The result of the research provides the yield of essential oil of zodiac leaf using maceration method is 1.0566% with limonene component is 2.6%, whereas the distillation method resulted in 0.6471% yield with 1.26% limonene.


zodia leaf, essential oil, limonene, distillation, maceration

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