(1) Program Studi Akuntansi, Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Y.A.I., Jakarta, Indonesia Jl. Kramat Raya No. 98 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
This study empirically examines some factors that influence the audit judgment; they are gender, obedience pressure, task complexity and experinces. The respondents in this study are the government auditors in Jakarta. The technique of data collection is distributing 400 questionnaires with the response rate of 52.5%. The hypothesis testing, implemented in this study is multiple regression analysis. The test results show that the pressure and the complexity of compliance task is influential on audit judgment. However, gender and experience do not have any impact on audit judgment; it occurs due to: (1) both men and women auditor, face the same professionalism demands, (2) the auditor tenure which is not offset by the various audit assignment and the types of audited companies are believed to have impact on the accuracy of judgment, made auditor.
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