Kualitas Layanan dan Positive Word of Mouth
(1) Jl. Arteri Soekarno Hatta Tlogosari Semarang
The study was conducted to examine the effect of core service quality and extra service quality toward positive word of mouth. The selected object of the study is the student of Senior High School students St. Louis Semarang. Proportional sampling techniques which is used in this study, uses 81 samples. The results of the surveyed data further processed by regression analysis carried out with SPSS. Measurement instruments are used for all three variables, they are :quality of core services, service quality enhancements and positive word of mouth, which has qualified the validity and reliability. The results showed that the independent variables proposed core service quality has positive and significant impact on positive word of mouth, while the independent variables proposed additional service quality is positive but not significant effect on positive word of mouth.
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