Peran Moderasi Kecerdasan Emosi pada Stres Kerja
(1) Gedung C6 Lantai 1 FE Unnes Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang E-mail: [email protected]
The objective of this study is to know influence of job stress to job performance and influence of emotional intelligence to relationship between job stress and job performance. Population in this study was all marketing and collection employees in PT. Summit Oto Finance Kudus. In this study used population method, that is taken all of marketing employees as much as 25 respondents and collection employees as much as 21 respondents. The technique of data analysis used regression analysis and doubled regression moderating analysis. The result usedregression analysis showed that negative influence between job stres and job performanc. Meanwhile, the result using doubled regression moderating analysis showed that emotional intelligence moderate influence of job stress to job performance. This result indicated that emotional intelligence can reduce the influence of job stress to job performance.
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