Tourists’ Perceptions of Halal Destinations in Indonesia

Ambara Purusottama


Halal tourism is a recent breakthrough and offers a more unrestricted travel experience than other religious-based travels and is promising in the future. However, the experience of travel based on Is- lamic law is still neglected in academic discussion. This study intends to identify tourists’ perceptions of the presence of halal tourism through model development. This study used deductive reasoning in developing and examining a model using structural equation modeling. The model simultaneous- ly involved several constructs: halal service quality, halal tourist satisfaction, halal destination image, and halal destination loyalty. Questionnaires were distributed online to gain insight from domestic tourists who are individuals who make repeated visits to a halal tourist destination, and obtained 424 valid questionnaires. The findings of the hypotheses in the model have a high significance in explaining the relationships between constructs. Halal tourism service providers need to dwell on and improve the quality of halal destination service quality to develop tourist satisfaction, image, and return visits. This research model leads to measuring the perception of halal tourist destinations that are challenging to find.


halal destination; model development; travel experiences; structural equation modelling

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