Utilisation of Self-Hypnosis Techniques as an Effective Method in Increasing an Athlete's Concentration
(1) Universitas Majalengka
(2) Universitas Majalengka
(3) Universitas Majalengka
(4) Universitas Majalengka
This study aims to investigate the use of self-hypnosis techniques as an effective method of increasing the concentration of athletes. In the world of competitive sports, high concentration is a key factor to achieve optimal performance. However, many athletes face challenges in maintaining their focus during training and competition. The self-hypnosis method has been identified as a potential tool for increasing mental concentration. This study involved 12 athletes in the petanque sport and used an experimental research design. Participants are trained in self-hypnosis techniques and then given practise sessions involving situations that require high concentration. The results showed that the use of self-hypnosis significantly increased the concentration levels of athletes during training and competition. In addition, the positive effects of self-hypnosis can last a longer period of time. These findings provide evidence that self-hypnosis can be a valuable tool in helping athletes achieve optimal performance through increased mental concentration. The practical implication of this study is that sport trainers and developers may consider using self-hypnosis techniques as part of a training programme to effectively increase athlete concentration.
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