Teknik Soringja sebagai Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar IPA Materi Biologi

Usrotun Mursidah Yusro


This study aims to improve the ability to solve problems of material science Biology 9F grade students of SMP 2 Undaan Kudus 2011/2012 through Soringja techniques. Soringja technique is learning techniques to determine the ideas about the main steps, summarize and determine the answer. The research was carried out in three cycles with the stages of planning, action, observation and reflection in February-September 2012 from the initial observation to reporting. Data taken in this research is student activities and student learning outcomes. Sources of data obtained from investigators, collaborators, students and related documentation. Data collection through testing, observation and interviews. The results of this study gained an average score of achievement of student activity and learning outcomes of students has increased from previous cycles. It can be concluded that Soringja techniques can improve the ability to solve problems UN Biological material IPA 2011/2012.


Improvement of Learning Activities; UN Science; Soringja Technique

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