Portrait of Pancasila Resistance in the Middle of Globalization and Global Ideology

Wulanda Putri Mauliddina(1),

(1) Universitas Negeri Semarang


Ideology can be formulated with complex knowledge and values which as a whole become the basis for humans themselves to understand the basic attitude to process the understanding they live in, capture what is seen as right and wrong, and what is considered good and bad. Thus he will be able to carry out activities as a manifestation of the overall knowledge and values he has. Ideology is not something that stands alone apart from the reality of people's lives, but ideology is a product of society's culture and therefore in a certain sense is a manifestation of social reality. In essence, ideology is the result of human reflection thanks to its ability to hold a stand against his life. Actually, the view of life also provides an orientation in human life, which grows with culture in a general form.


Globalization, Challenges, Pancasila, Global Ideology

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