Model Pelatihan Vokasional Berbasis Pemanfaatan Rebung Bambu pada Masyarakat Desa Paloan Kecamatan Sengah Temila Kabupaten Landak

Petronila Jean(1), Sucihatiningsih DWP(2), Rusdarti Rusdarti(3),

(1) Dinas Pendidikan dan Olah Raga Kab. Landak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia
(2) Prodi Pendidikan Kejuruan, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia
(3) Prodi Pendidikan Kejuruan, Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia


Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan model pelatihan vokasional berbasis pemanfaatan rebung bambu pada masyarakat desa Paloan kecamatan Sengah Temila Kabupaten Landak yang valid dan efektif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development. Tahap penelitian diawali dengan pengumpulan informasi dan studi literatur. Tahap pengembangan ialah mendesain model, validasi oleh ahli dan praktisi, serta uji coba model secara terbatas. Desain uji coba terbatas menggunakan pre-experimental design dengan one group pretest dan posttest, kemudian hasilnya dianalisis menggunakan uji normalized gain dan uji statistik non parametrik wilcoxon match pairs test. Model pelatihan vokasional berbasis pemanfaatan rebung bambu menekankan kurikulum pelatihan yang fokus pada peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan mengolah dan mengemas rebung bambu menjadi produk rebung kering yang bernilai pasar. Materi, metode, strategi pelaksanaan dan media pembelajaran dalam model disesuaikan dengan tujuan utama pelatihan. Model pelatihan vokasional yang dikembangkan dikategorikan sangat valid. Hasil uji coba terbatas menunjukkan bahwa model pelatihan vokasional berbasis pemanfaatan rebung bambu efektif untuk meningkatkan aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan teknis peserta pelatihan.


The purpose of this research is to produce vocational training model based on the utilization of bamboo shoots in the Paloan Rural Community of Sengah Temila District of Landak Regency which can be properly valid and effective. This research uses the Research and Development method. The research phase begins with the collection of information and literature studies. The development phase consists of the model design, validation by experts and practitioners, and a limited test models. The limited trial design uses pre-experimental design with one group pretest and posttest design then the results were analyzed by using gain normalized and non parametric statistical test of Wilcoxon match pairs test. Vocational training model based on the utilization of bamboo shoots emphasizes on the training curriculum that focuses on the increasing of knowledge and skills to process and to pack the bamboo shoots into dried bamboo shoots product which is economically more valuable. The materials, methods, implementation strategies and learning media in the model were adjusted for the main purpose of the training. The result showed that vocational training model was developed considered as valid. The result of limited testing indicates that vocational training model which is based on the utilization of bamboo shoots is effective to improve the technical aspects of the knowledge and skills of trainees.

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