The Development of E-Module with Blog Based in Basic Drawing of Software Engineering at Geomatics Competency

Abdul Mufid(1), Eko Supraptono(2), Adhi Kusumastuti(3),

(1) Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Semarang
(2) Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Semarang
(3) Pascasarjana, Universitas Negeri Semarang


In Indonesia vocational high school (SMK) becomes one of the education levels that need to be developed. State vocational high school 1 Blora is a formal education that has many major competencies, one of them is geomatics engineering. Geomatics engineering is a major that carries out a series of learning activities covering various engineering subjects. In this field, the Basic Drawing of Software becomes crucial since it supports related subjects. E-module becomes one of the important requirements in the competency approach. These research aims are 1) developing the Autocad e-module; 2) Analyzing the worthiness e-module in Autocad; 3) Analyzing the practicality of the Autocad e-module to improve students’ competency in Basic Drawing of Software for Geomatics students. The current research applied Research and Development (R&D) while feasibility and practicality validation analysis used intra-class correlation coefficients in SPSS v.25. The result of the study showed that an e-module with a blog based on the basic drawing was exclaimed very worthy based on material expert judgment with a 85,45 score. It is in line with the media expert who got a 86,43 score. The simplicity of the e-module was examined by geomatics engineering teachers and it achieved a 88,08 score. It can be concluded that this research is very worthy, simple, and very effective to improve geomatics students’ skills in Basic Drawing of Software.


geomatics engineering; e-modul; basic drawing of software

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