(1) MA Al-Ikhlas Blora Jawa Tengah Kode Pos 5888
The objective of this research is to determine the implementation of Collaborative Forest Resource Management (in Indonesian is called PHBM) by Perhutani in Bodeh Village and constraints encountered in the implementation. The study used a qualitative approach. Research sites is in Bodeh Village, Randublatung, Blora District.The results showed that the PHBM program is conducted by embracing forest communities to manage forests together with the spirit of sharing the role, land use or space, and forest products with the profit shared with the community as compensation for their involvement in the implementation of PHBM. Participation of rural communities in the implementation of PHBM in Bodeh resulted in the reduction of vacant land for the community get involved in forest management and reforestation activities; reduction of the levels of damage and the level of illegal logging in the forest because the community are also involved in maintaining the forest, thus increasing the sustainability and security of the forest . The constraints faced by perhutani and society in the implementation of PHBM is a constraint in the activity of field preparation, planting, plant maintenance, and safeguarding of forests.
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