(1) SMU Diponegoro Semarang Indonesia 50194
Nasida Ria is a popular kasidah music group based in Semarang. This group has strong Islamic character and has spawned many hits. Along with the development of modern music, the band is facing new challenges that affect their existence.The objective of this study is to discuss how the existence of Music Group Kasidah Nasida Ria Semarang in present modernization as well as the factors driving and inhibiting the development of this band in facing modernization. In this study, the author uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentation. The study shows that the Music Group of Kasidah Nasida Ria Semarang still exist. It is proven by their performance on television and at various public social events. The existence of this group is supported by the motivation of the leadership and personnel; the religious message of their songs; and the support from community and environment. Although it still exists, the group experienced regress because of the inhibiting factors such as capability; lack of publicity and promotion, irresponsible issues; plagiarism, as well as competition with other genres of music. Seeing the challenge of modernization, thus, the Music Group of Kasidah Nasidaria Semarang needs to be more open to technological developments and innovations in religious art in order to survive. The Government also needs to provide guidance to develop religious arts.
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