(1) Instittut Ilmu Qur’an, Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah Indonesia 38976
The objective of this research is to describe the influence of Sunan Geseng religious teachings on the society of Grabag, Magelang. Sunan Geseng is a religious figure or called wali who spreaded Islam in Grabag region, Magelang. His religious teachings are still implemented and hold by the society in Grabag region, living in Sunan Geseng cemetary area. The method used in this study is a qualitative research which also adopted the pattern of case study. Data was collected through interview and observation. Research results show the strong influence of Sunan Geseng’s religious teaching is apparent in Grabag, Magelang. Among the indicators are the use of Sunan Geseng’s cemetery as spiritual tourism site visited by people from many area. There is also selikuran tradition held annually at the 21st night of Ramadhan in Sunan Geseng cemetery area. There are also other rituals like slametan, gendurenan, and methoan. Another interesting thing is that many boarding schools still adopt the management system or learning process like those of Sunan Geseng. All of this enforce the society sentiment theory stating that historical memory in the the past and Sunan Geseng heritages are fondation for society sentiment.
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