(1) SMA Islam Tegal Jawa Tengah Indonesia 60987
The objecticve of this study is to describe the strategy to increase students’ motivation and interest in the subject of sociology through contact with surrounding neighbourhood. This research was done in Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Babakan Tegal. Methods of data collection were interviews and observation. The results of the research reveal that teachers’ efforts to increase interest in learning sociology among class XI social program using surrounding environment as media and learning resource indicate positive results. The effort is done in a field trip to study a particular object, for example, students’ visit to the tomb of Ki Gede Sebayu. In addition, there are camp activities around the tomb of Ki Gede Sebayu. Another effort is through visiting other schools around MAN Babakan. Factors that inhibit the use of the environment to enhance students ‘learning interest include internal factor such as the lack of student motivation in the learning process and students’ lack of sensitivity to the environment associated with the learning materials; as well as external factors, including lack of opportunity for teachers to use the environment as a learning media, lack of preparation, a skeptical view of teachers and students that field study is time consuming, and the narrow view of teachers that learning only happens in the classroom.
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