(1) SMA Permana Purworejo Jawa Tengah Indonesia 40092
The objective of this article is to describe the use of multicultural education approach to the study of sociology for senior high school student class XI. This study is a qualitative study conducted in SMAN 4 Purworejo. Data were collected through a method of observation and interviews with teachers of Sociology. The results show that the characteristics of a multicultural approach to education implemented by high school sociology include three forms: teacher’s emphasis on the optimization of students’ rationality, practice and dissent habituation. This approach is appropriate for the learning activities on material of social groups in multicultural societies. Constraints in the implementation of a multicultural approach in high school include time allocation, student’s concentration, the limitations of instructional media used during the learning process, and finally the student’s interest in learning. This makes teachers work hard to make the variation in learning in order that teaching and learning activities can have good results.
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