(1) SMA Maarif Tegal Jawa Tengah Indonesia 33567
The purpose of this study is to describe the traditional sharing system known as â€maro†in agriculture and its usefulness in society life. Maro sharing system has been conducted ​by the villagers long ago. In maro, the peasant pays for all the costs of agriculture and the crops will be shared with the owner of the fields. This study is a qualitative study conducted in the Village of Jagung, Kesesi, Pekalongan district. Data collection was done by using observation, interview and documentation. The results of the research show that the implementation of sharing system agreement can not only boost local economy but also can also foster solidarity within the community. This is evidenced by the concern among the owners and cultivators of rice fields, realized with helping each other when one of them have difficulties. However, the attention of the government is still needed to ensure good relations between the two sides who are working together.
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