(1) Jl. Colombo, Karang Malang, Yogyakarta Indonesia 55281
Implementation of the development is successful if it is able to answer the needs and problems faced by members of the community. In this study, the author specifically addresses the participation of citizens in local budget planning and budgeting in their respective regions through advocacy carried out by NGOs. Methods of research used in this research was a qualitative approach, data collection is done by observation, interview and documentation. The evidence suggests that successful development can be realized by involving members of the community since the beginning of the activity, particularly in the preparation of development plans. The form of participation in development planning can be a presence at a meeting / deliberation, thought and time. In order to adapt to the interests of society, the preparation of the Budget Revenue and Expenditure (Budget) is not sufficient for formal institutions of the executive and legislative elements only. Local community groups and Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs / NGOs) should participate in the preparation of the budget to make it more accountable, or in other words more suitable to the interests of the community.
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