(1) Jl. Bong Cina No. 13 Sumpiuh, Banyumas, Indonesia 53144
Originally lengger is performed in ceremonies and rituals in rural ceremonies associated with fertility. Currently the performance of lengger has more entertainment and commercial functions. This makes the dancers vulnerable to exploitation lengger both economically and sexually. The objectiveof this study is to explore the form of lengger show, forms of exploitation experienced by dancers lengger, and the responses of the lengger dancer towards exploitation. Research methods used are qualitative approach, with interpretive data analysis. Research was done in the village Selanegara, Sumpiuh, Banyumas. The results show that there were some elements associated with this form lengger performances, namely: players, body movement, music, makeup and fashion, as well as staging. The negative image normally rise from lengger dancer’s erotic movements, which are responded by various form,s of abuse, such as touched, poked, hugged and kissed by pengibing. Economic exploitation occurs due to the economic demands so that the dancers exploit her body to get money. Dances of Lengger are very prone to sexual and economic ebuse. This phenomenon should encourage the public and the government to rethink how to to protect the dancers from exploitation.
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