(1) SMA Muhammadiyah Tegal, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia 5246
Stereotypes as being impoverished are often attached to the inhabitants of coastal areas in Indonesia. But the stereotypes cannot be applied to the residents of Suradadi village where the villagers are quite prosperous. The economic advancement occurs in the village follows the transformation of fishing methods from miyangan (traditional fisherman) to longlenan (modern fisherman). The transformation is influenced by role of social networks that exist in the coastal village communities Suradadi. In this research, the author examines the roots of transformation from miyangan to longlenan, the role of social networks, and the social changes following the transformation in the community. The research use qualitative method. The study found that that the economic factor, prestige, a desire to see the outside world is the basis of transformation from miyangan to longlenan. To be longlenan, fishermen use social networks by sharing information and by being a broker. The impact of longlenan fishing is economic changes, higher social status of longlenan fishermen and the changes of lifestyle, family relationships and values
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